Outpatient Therapy
Finding the right therapist can be a challenging task, especially if you want someone that is close to your home, accepts your insurance, and specializes in PTSD. It's essential to find someone who understands First Responder trauma and can provide you with the support and care you need. We have working relationships with therapists and practices; it is more then just provding a number or website.
Our Clinical Staff have a specific criteria that area mental health professionals must meet to be recommended byThe Irons Foundation.
This includes
Therapists that specialize in First Responder PTSD
Evidence based therapy such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
Whether you want a list of providers in your area or need our help to schedule an appointment, our Mission Support Staff is here to make the process as convenient as possible for you. We understand that First Responder schedules are already complicated enough without having to spend time calling around to find available appointments. We value your service and want to make this process as easy and stress-free as possible. You can rely on us to respect your time and effort while providing you with the assistance you need.
Please complete the form below. Include the county you prefer wellness rebuilding in
Your submission is CONFIDENTIAL and directed to Clinical Director Marianna Adams only.
At minimum we ask for first name and email address.
Staff will reach out to you within 24 hours.